(Central Jersey) - The Real Central NJ Soccer (RCNJ) men’s USL League Two team faced Lehigh Valley United for the second time this season at home on Friday, June 24th. In this close match, both teams persistently worked towards securing the win and with the final score 3-2, RCNJ proved to be victorious.
Loss of possession was a common theme for Real Central NJ in the first half with Lehigh Valley repeatedly swooping in to steal the ball before a successful play could be carried out. Scoring opened up for Lehigh Valley United early into the first period when Steven Riad promptly launched the ball towards goal from the 18 past RCNJ’s Jake Langley whose dive to the right wasn’t fast enough. Although the match’s start wasn’t one they had hoped for, Real Central NJ refused to let it set the tone for the remainder of it.